WAMFT needs your help to end the mental health crisis in the State of Washington. Support can come from giving your time & skills, co-sponsoring events, donating auction items for our annual fundraiser, using WAMFT for approval of Continuing Education Credit Units (CEs) at your next training, and advertising on WAMFT's platforms.

Support with your dollars...
WAMFT needs to fundraise money every year to mentor and educate behavioral healthcare workers to maintain a robust pipeline for training professionals and to access critical conversations with legislators to influence policy that directly affects our profession's viability, growth, and sustainability, as well as those who now struggle with the mental health crisis.
Emerging Professionals Fund
Contribute to the WAMFT Emerging Professionals Fund and support Student Scholarships, education, and leadership development of WAMFT student & pre-clinical / associate members.
The Washington Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (WAMFT) is a 501(c)(6) nonprofit, charitable organization. Tax treatment of contributions to 501(c)(6) organizations are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor's federal income tax return. Contributions may be deductible as a business expense. Please consult with your tax professional regarding any charitable contributions.
Advocacy Fund
Contribute to the WAMFT Advocacy Fund and support advocacy activities, education, and contract lobbyist Lewis Consulting LLC who advocate on behalf of ALL MFTs in WA State.
WAMFT is not a 501c3, so donations are not deductible as a charitable contribution for income tax purposes. Payments to the WAMFT Advocacy Fund may be deductible as a business expense. However, IRS regulations limit the deduction based on the association's lobbying expenses. Consult your tax adviser regarding issues with tax deductions.
Support by using us as a resource...

WAMFT has worked to create resources that others can utilize. This includes being able to advertise on our website or other platforms, sponsoring events to market yourself, & being a CE provider so you may offer CEs at your next training. All of these help support the organization by providing necessary income for trainings, events, & resources.