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Poster proposals for the 2023 WAMFT Conference “Entering into Fullness: Self of the Therapist" should feature the work of researchers or other effective work in the field of family therapy. For example,

  • quantitative or qualitative research involving couples or families;

  • interventions with families or couples in larger systems;

  • family therapy training programs, supervision, or initiatives; or

  • larger system interventions.

At an assigned time during the Conference, presenters will have an opportunity to present and discuss their topic with interested Conference attendees. Posters will be available in a virtual setting and with the option (encouraged) of presenting in person as well. More details on final format will be shared as conference preparations are finalized.

This year there will be 2 Poster categories:

  • Student proposals: Open to graduate students across any discipline that furthers systemic therapy. Graduate students must list their faculty advisor, however only presenters are listed in the program. Thus, do not list your advisor as a co-presenter unless they are presenting with you and registering for the WAMFT Annual Conference. There is a place to enter your faculty advisor’s name in the form.

  • Professional proposals: Open to those with full or associate licensure across any discipline that furthers systemic therapy.

Click here for more information on preparing a poster. You are also invited to view our workshop Priming Yourself to Present, part of the Building a Better Us Networking Series, free for WAMFT members.

If you have questions about the proposal application process or the conference, please contact Billie Tyler at


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