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December 30, 2020.

Beginning January 1, 2021 and no later than June 30, 2021, health care professionals, who offer telemedicine services to patients must complete telemedicine training. To learn more about the different training options available and access additional resources, please visit the Washington State Telehealth Collaborative Training webpage. To participate in any of these free trainings you will need to enroll and create a Canvas account by accessing the Washington State Medical Professional Telemedicine Training.


The law refers to the definition of telemedicine as “the delivery of health care services through the use of interactive audio and video technology, permitting real-time communication between the patient at the originating site and the provider, for the purpose of diagnosis, consultation, or treatment. “Telemedicine” does not include the use of audio-only telephone, facsimile, or email.”


In addition, the Washington state Department of Health State Office of Rural Health  is pleased to announce a new telehealth education series made possible by a collaboration between Northwest Telehealth, the Department of Health, and the Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center. This free series is designed to help clinical teams and healthcare organizations work through the decisions involved in setting up a well-run telemedicine service that serves patients directly.


Please see the attached flyer for more information on the dates and topics. A registration link is included on the flyer. This is not limited to rural. Direct to patient Series Flyer final (002).pdf


December 17, 2020.

Washington State recently passed Senate Bill 6061 in response to the sudden shift to telehealth delivery of services. It is mandated that Health Care Professionals in our state attain training that allows us to proficient use telemedicine technology. There has been some confusion as to when training needed to start and what entities are allowed to provide the training.


Detailed interpretation of the law

The parameters needed for alternative training equivalents

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to WAMFT.

December 18, 2020.

There are currently 3 openings on the DOH Mental Health Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Social Workers Advisory Board. One LMFT opening and two public openings. Learn more about this advisory board here.


Although there is no deadline, when they find a candidate they like, they will fill the spot.  If interested, apply ASAP!


In order to apply follow the application process described below:

1. This is a Secretarial Appointment. According to the appointment application office, there is a shift occurring now with the incoming Secretary of Health and reviews of board/committee appointments are on the top of the list. 

2. Here is the link to the Secretarial application: 

3. Once approved the member will serve a three year term.

The committee shall be comprised of nine members. Two   members shall be licensed mental health counselors. Two members shall be licensed marriage and family therapists. One member shall be a licensed independent clinical social worker, and one member shall be a licensed advanced social worker. Three members must be consumers and represent the public at large and may not be licensed mental health care providers.

4. In order to qualify, an applicant must:

  • Live in Washington State

  • Not hold an office in a professional association for mental health, social work, or marriage and family therapy

  • Not be employed by the state of Washington

  • Have worked as a licensee for five years.

December 08, 2020.

WAMFT Goals for next WA State Legislative Cycle (2021-2023) revealed in video by Anthony Pennant, WAMFT Legislative Committee Chair and WAMFT President-Elect.  Click to view Legislative Agenda.

December 04, 2020.

The WA legislature is currently creating An ACT that seeks to create a law regarding Health Equity Continuing Education for medical professionals. WAMFT is currently in support of the creation of this ACT and has provided feedback to policymakers regarding its contents and implementation.

November 13, 2020.

Kreidler extends emergency order on telehealth to December 11, 2020.

Read full News from the Commissioner.

WAMFT Advises MFTs to be Prepared to Comply with

Attestation of Telehealth Training

All health care professionals beginning January 1, 2021 and no later than June 30, 2021, who provide clinical services through telemedicine, other than physicians and osteopathic physicians, must complete either a telemedicine training made available by the telemedicine collaborative; or an alternative telemedicine training, which may include training offered by hospitals and other health care facilities, continuing education courses, or trainings developed by a health professional board or commission.


Health care professionals must sign and retain an attestation that they completed either the telemedicine collaborative or alternative telemedicine training.


To learn more about the different training options available and access additional resources, please visit the Washington State Telehealth Collaborative Training webpage. To participate in any of these free trainings you will need to enroll and create a Canvas account by accessing the Washington State Medical Professional Telemedicine Training.


Help Us!  If you have already completed a telehealth / telemedicine training or certification program WAMFT would love to hear about it.  Please submit your recommendation and help us grow this resource for other members.

March 19, 2020.

Telehealth Parity Bill Signed Into Law


Governor Jay Inslee signed into law, Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 5385, which requires providers to be paid the same for services via telehealth that historically have been paid for in person encounters (Telehealth Payment Parity). This law applies to all insurance companies both state and commercial. WAMFT leadership reached out to the Office of the Insurance Commissioner and ensured this bill does apply to our field.


This law was signed into effect immediately and is a boon to our field and ensures that we as mental health providers are able to continue meeting the needs of the population in this ever changing time - all the while protecting reimbursement rates.


As always, WAMFT leadership and government affairs committee are here to help. Please reach out to our Legislative Chair, Anthony Pennant, with your questions and concerns related to our advocacy efforts.

Telehealth Payment Parity
Legislative Update (CURRENT)
DOH Advisory Board


WAMFT Legislative Updates

WAMFT Legislative Updates

WAMFT Legislative Updates
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2021 06 Legislative Update

2021 06 Legislative Update

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2021 03 Legislative Update

2021 03 Legislative Update

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Introducing WAMFT's New Legislative Chair

Introducing WAMFT's New Legislative Chair

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